Showing posts from 2019
Histoires orales de Bouddha (Ce n'est pas tiré de Playboy) 1ère partie
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Construire clang, clang-tidy & co en trois coups de cuillère à pot
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Build clang, clang-tidy & co from source in 3.5 easy steps
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Radio Strobl (hacked)
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En Norvège, l'eau du robinet est aromatisée au saumon sauvage. Cele explique la densité de groupes géniaux. Pour n'en citer que 3 : Solefald, Leprous, Madder Mortem, Atrox, Vulture Industries, Djerv, Manes, In Vain, Age Of Silence, Windir, Ásmegin, Trail of Tears, Dismal Euphony, Green Carnation. Si vous ne connaissez pas ces groupes à 50 ans, vous avez raté votre vie. Et puis, voilà qu'au détour d'un camp d'été, Khonsu. Quelle sauce ! Et quelle saucée ! Rares sont les groupes arrivant à intégrer autant de styles et d'idées pour créer une ambiance unique et cohérente.
5 Ab Exercice Mistakes
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Summary of Jeff Cavaliere's video . 0. 0:24 Not getting nutrition in check. Fat levels determine whether we see the abs at all. 1a. 0:48 Cheating by pulling the neck. Put the hands barely touching the head instead. 1b. 1:08 Cheating by rolling or using the hands in low abs exercices. Get the legs up by contraction only. 2. 1:36 Not breathing properly (BLOATED ABS). Exhale as you tighten down and make the waist smaller. 3. 2:53 Not enough hanging exercises. Requires a lot of stabilization just to hang. More challenging, so more effective. 4. 4:10 Not training frequently enough. Short sessions of 4 to 8 minutes but ideally once a day. 5. 5:15 Neglecting rest of the core (obliques, serratus, etc). E.g. Squeeze your thighs together for the windshield wiper to include abductors. Morale: focus on quality rather than quantity (doing fast reps is another mistake).
Anton Symmetry is back (or why related concepts should have the same number of letters)
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One source of truth (or how not to be tied to a publisher platform)
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In Dart, A ∪ B != B ∪ A
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The title is misleading, other languages are prone to this gotcha. At least that's less deceptive than "Hot mathematician refutes conjecture with a weird trick". Be amazed People stop me in the subway arguing it's contrived or even ill formed. Stepanov answers (*) that basic math properties should be respected, all the more nothing forewarns the possible asymmetry of the addAll operation. If it's ill formed, shouldn't the langage tell you? C++ would reject that at compile time. Model consistency You could consider this behavior as perfectly fine since the respective models of d1 and d2 (sensitivity to the case) are preserved. Nevertheless, the commutativity of union isn't, breaking the consistency. Julia Belyakova's paper notes that dependent types allows models consistency by letting the comparer be a part of the type. Does it suggest that C++ templates can encode dependent types? If not, it means that models consistency relies on a sub-...
Why does my blog stink?
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For Christmas, I wanted a lot of features for my posts to be as enjoyable as possible to write and to consult: Embedded editable and runnable code snippets. Inline comments. Private comments (for todo or links to private notes). Translations. Semantic tagging. Versionning. Ontologic search (that's not even a thing). Minimal ressources consumption (both client and server side). Accessibility. Free vegan protein snacks (no vegan included). That being said, it's my first blog ever, and didn't want to inverse priorities and fall into the infinite stream of prerequisites. How is it called, already? So those things will be fixed incrementally over time. It was recommended by my postman to cure perfectionism. As a bonus, an unrelated quote: “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” — Peter Drucker
Example of CSS customization in Blogger.
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Having slept too much, I wanted to have separators for my html tables. Google explains here how to add custom css. I introduced an arbitrary class name so it isn't applied to the blog theme itself, only inside posts when explicitly stated. table.withborder { border-collapse: collapse; } table.withborder td { border: 1px solid #624A93; } Then in the HTML editor simply annotate: <table class="withborder"> Implicit approach To avoid adding withborder everywhere, leverage the class used by blogger (there is no guarantee it won't break at some point, though). table td { border: 1px dashed RebeccaPurple; }
Rosetta Monad Did It Again
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Let e be an expression (e.g. x*x ), m a monad instance instance (e.g. [1, 2, 3] ) and M its type ( list here). Here is a small translation table, found buried in Memphis under a pill of pizza boxes: Haskell, list comprehension [ e | x <- m ] Haskell, do notation 1 do {x <- m; return (e)} Haskell, bind m >>= \x -> return (e) Scala, yield for (x <- m) yield e Scala, flatMap m.flatMap(x => M(e)) Scala, map => e) In the same spirit, let’s paint the monad laws in different colors. Left identity Right identity Associativity Haskell, list comprehension [ x | x <- m] ≡ m Haskell, do notation do {x <- [a]; f x} ≡ f a do {x <- m ; x} ≡ m do {y <- do {x <- m; f x } g y} ≡ do { x <- m; do { y <- f x; g y }} 2 Haskell, bind return a >>= f ≡ f a m >>= return ≡ m (m >>= f) >>= g ≡ m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g) Scala, yield for (x ...
The implementation of functional programming languages
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So I've started SLPJ's "The implementation of functional programming languages" and these and my reading notes, on-going questions and summary. Summary Overall outline. Part I: translate a non-strict FPL (Miranda taken as an example) to a first intermediate representation (enriched lambda calculus), then to lambda calculus. Part II: an implementation of lambda calculus is given. Part III: an efficient implementation is proposed. Questions Can we skip part II? "It seems than graph reduction is probably less attractive than environment-based approach for language with strict semantic". Why is that? (TODO: check after chapter 11 if we are able to answer this question). "A functional language has a natural representation as a tree". But... "graph reduction". Are we talking about the same thing? An IR with recursion might not be a tree anymore. Or, should we talk about tree reduction? Built-in functions are introduced for ...